Quality goods purchased online can be returned within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of delivery to the buyer.

The following conditions must be observed when returning the goods:

  • the returned goods must be in their original packaging in good condition;
  • the goods must be undamaged by the buyer;
  • the goods must be unused and in good condition (labels and protective films intact, etc.);
  • the returned goods must be of the same composition as when received by the buyer.

If these conditions are met, you should:fill in a return request form.

Download the form here.

Send the completed request to celltriagen@celltriagen.com.

Once we have received your request, we will contact you within 2 working days to arrange the details of the return.

Once we have received the item and are satisfied that it is unused, we will refund your money to your nominated account within 7 days. No refund will be given if the packaging is damaged or if the product has been visually used.